Saturday, September 20, 2008

Where's the Pot of Gold??

After a wonderful afternoon of rain, Daghen was surprised, when he looked out the window and saw a Beautiful rainbow. He ran around the house yelling, Mom, a rainbow, a rainbow, hurry come see.
And to my surprise there was not only one rainbow but two.
Daghen still in his euphoric state exclaimed "we need to go to the end of the rainbow where a little guy will give us his gold!!"
To his dismay there is no Gold.
We are all a little disappointed at the Smith house.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Day at the Rodeo

Today, we attended my parents ward Rodeo. The boy's and I had a wonderful time. They had lots of games and activities for the kids and even for the adults.
The boys had cotton candy and snow cones, along with the candy and donuts.

The boy's were even able to do a little Mutton Bustin' as well. Boy did they enjoy the ride even though the ride barley lasted long enough for mom to snap a picture for the landing, and even Ayden got to ride but luckily the men running the show knew to hold on to the kid and let the sheep keep going, but he thought he was tough enough. They even did a little chicken chasing as well, but sorry to say none of my boy's were quite quick enough to snag one. All in all a good day. Even the missionaries had fun.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tyson's 1st Day

Tyson's 1st day of Kindergarten is finally here. He is so excited to be in Mrs. Pulsipher's class (Daghen's old teacher).

We walked to school!! Even dad and our dog Rascal came along for the big day.

Here is Tyson waiting for the bell to ring.
Have a good day Tyson.